The Petroglyphs
Quadra Island
Nearly one-hundred carved boulders at thirteen different sites have been located on Quadra Island. Extensive research focused on ninety individual rock features, situated at eleven sites with reference connecting the boulders to each other and their settings. Forty-four petroglyphs have spirit figures depicted on them. Forty-six have pits only and four of these are generous bowls ground into the tops of boulders.
The petroglyphs generally dated to 2,500 - 3,500 years before present. Rock carvings are significant cultural landmarks that are protected by law. The public may not take rubbings; however, photographing is permitted. There are casts available at the Cultural Centre should you wish to take a souvenir rubbing home.
Nuyumbalees is pleased to have seven petroglyphs on site, including the some showcased in photos on the right side of your screen. These were brought to the Village in 1972 to protect them from erosion on the beach and from vandals. They are outstanding examples by virtue of their deep carving and large figures.
The best time to view the petroglyphs is in low morning light or late evening when the shadows fill the pits and grooves.
For more information on the petropglyphs, be sure to visit the Gift Gallery for a copy of the Petroglyphs of Quadra Island, by local anthropologist and expert, Joy Inglis.